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/ / / / / / / / Aversion Therapy

Are you sceptical about the hype surrounding artificial intelligence? Do you worry that AI might be more trouble than it’s worth for your business? We understand your concerns, and we’re here to help you separate the facts from the fiction.

Our program for the AI-Averse is designed to provide you and your team with a clear, jargon-free understanding of what AI can (and can’t) do for your organisation based on the challenges you are currently facing. We’ll help you cut through the noise and focus on the practical applications that matter most to your business.

Who is it for?  / / / / / / / /

What You’ll Learn

  • The basics of the technology and how it works
  • Real-world examples of applications across industries
  • How to identify potential use cases in your business
  • The risks and limitations of adoption

What You’ll Get

  • Confidence to make informed decisions about adoption
  • A roadmap for low-risk, high-value human-first implementation
  • Hands-on experience with AI tools and platforms
  • Ongoing support from our team of AI experts

Why Choose Us

  • We speak your language, not tech jargon
  • We focus on practical, proven applications of AI
  • We take a human-centric approach to adoption
  • We offer customised training programs tailored to your unique needs and goals
Diagram Averse

AI Essentials

Demystify AI / Practical Skills and Case Studies / Quick-Win AI Projects / Review and Guidance Follow-Up

/ / / / / / / / FAQ

How can I be sure that investing in AI training will provide tangible benefits for my business?
Our training program is designed to help you identify specific, high-value use cases for AI in your business. We’ll work with you to develop a clear ROI framework and set measurable goals for your AI initiatives, so you can see the tangible impact of your investment.
I'm concerned about the potential risks and disruptions associated with introducing AI. How does your training address these issues?

We understand that introducing any new technology can be disruptive. That’s why our training program focuses on risk mitigation and change management strategies. We’ll help you identify potential risks and develop plans to address them, as well as provide guidance on how to communicate the benefits of AI to your team and manage the transition process.

How does your training program differ from other AI courses on the market?

Our training program is specifically designed for organisations that are new to AI and may have concerns about its potential impact. We focus on providing a clear, jargon-free introduction to AI concepts and applications, with an emphasis on practical, real-world use cases. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and confidence you need to make informed decisions about AI adoption in your business.

What kind of ongoing support do you offer after the initial training program?

We believe that successful AI adoption is an ongoing journey, not a one-time event. That’s why we offer a range of ongoing support services to help you continue to develop your AI capabilities over time. This can include additional training sessions, consulting services, and access to our network of AI experts and resources.


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