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/ / / / / / / / What is it?

At Obsolete, our training is customised to meet your team’s unique needs and goals, the specific challenges and objectives your team wants to achieve.

We learn your workflows, priorities and obstacles, we design interactive training plans tailored to building your team’s capabilities. Rather than a one-size-fits-all program, our approach develops the skills your team already have, enabling them to work together to effectively adopt AI.

Through a blend of hands-on sessions and problem-solving, we promote the lateral thinking required to use AI in a way that delivers practical results.

Our focus is on enabling your team to succeed on their own terms.

Who is it for? / / / / / / / /

Those seeking to:

  • Boost team productivity
  • Improve collaboration
  • Develop aligned skills

Helps your team:

  • Develop a new approach to problem solving
  • Build on and expand their  knowledge and skills
  • Get the most out available technology

Typical Session

Part 1 – Working the Problem

  • Myth and Reality of AI
  • Critically explore current challenges
  • Identify necessary context to address the challenges
  • Write the briefs

Part 2 – Applying the Solution

  • Introduction to prompting & the different systems
  • Solving the problems with the tech
  • Exploring new ideas and opportunities
  • How to apply ongoing at work


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What you get

  • Courses tailored to your team
  • Interactive workshops
  • Digital tools and resources
  • Outcomes measurement
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  • Increased aligned productivity
  • Better collaboration and communication
  • Confidence with new technology
  • Critical thinking and creativity

/ / / / / / / / FAQ

How do you measure the results?

We measure the results of our training by using different methods, such as KPIs, OKRs, or KRAs, depending on your business context and goals. We will work with you to choose the best method for your team and track the impact of augmented AI on your performance and productivity.

What are the costs involved?

Costs vary based on project scope and challenges to address which we’d establish up front. We provide customised quotes outlining deliverables, timelines and pricing.

What kind of time commitment is required from me and my team?

Before we start the training, we need to assess your current situation and your team’s skills. We will do this by sending you a short survey and having a discussion with the stakeholders. Then, we will schedule the training session(s) and the homework assignments according to the agreed scope. We will be flexible with your team, but we also expect full engagement from them to achieve your goals.

How can we generate enthusiasm for AI among the team?

The key is to make staff active participants, not passive bystanders. Through transparent communication and practical training, we will involve your team at each step to build understanding and demonstrate how AI can make their jobs easier. Participatory design workshops and continuous feedback channels give employees a voice in shaping how AI augments their roles. When people feel empowered in the process, positivity follows. We aim to foster a collaborative spirit where the team see AI as an approachable partner ready to lend a hand, not an intimidating imposition.

What's your advice for sustaining the benefits of AI adoption long-term
The key is training your team on how to continuously assess new AI tools and platforms as they become available online. With the skills to test out and validate new solutions, you can keep improving by switching to better options over time. We focus on knowledge sharing so your staff can regularly research AI platforms, pick promising ones to try based on your current needs, and make informed choices about adopting them. Clear rules also help avoid risks like getting stuck with one vendor or relying on unstable startups. The goal is to make adopting AI solutions part of how your business operates by continually reviewing the changing landscape of external options.


How will the training build our confidence in applying AI to real challenges?

We recognise scepticism about new technologies comes from lack of real-world experience. That’s why our training centres on interactive applied sessions focused on your actual challenges and use cases, not just theoretical lectures. The goal is to make AI feel approachable and build confidence through relevant practice across different systems. Hands-on prompting and ideation gives you the skills to keep applying AI independently after the training. With a patient, low-pressure approach tailored to your needs, our aim is for you to gain the practical competencies to see AI as an empowering partner, not an intimidating unknown. Interactivity and real-world application are key to demystifying AI.


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